The rules outlined below MUST be adhered to by ALL MEMBERS of Queens Basketball club when participating in ALL on court activities at the Queen’s Physical Education Centre (PEC):
Prior to attending ANY Queens Basketball Club related activity at the PEC:
- ALL Participants must be current registered members of Queens Basketball club.
- Completed their online COVID-19 health screening questionnaire within the 12 hrs of commencement of activity and confirm they have no symptoms. NB: Players cannot enter PEC if screening form is not completed.
- Check specific timings for arrival-pickup protocol for specific session as indicated on website.
Note: Parents are requested to arrive promptly for indicated drop-off time at front doors of PEC and leave immediately once child has been identified to coach/helper.
- U12s, P5/6 & P3/4 groups will line up 2 metres apart at the PEC entrance and a coach will bring them from reception to the court.
- All other ages groups must wait in their cars until their allotted time to enter the PEC. Arrive and leave promptly at designated times
- Refer to club website for each team’s day and time of training.
During basketball related activities at the PEC:
- Adhere to specific timing for arrival for specific session as detailed above and on website.
- Observe social distancing for activities (when applicable)
- Sanitise hands upon entering PEC.
- Wear face masks when appropriate
- Follow the one-way system as indicated by signage in PEC.
- Bring own basketball & water bottle labelled with name.
- Arrive in basketball gear ready to play. NO extra clothing/equipment to be brought into the PEC (e.g. hoody/jumpers/sports bags)
- Training sessions will finish 10 minutes before end of booking to allow for cleaning down of court/equipment and prompt departure without interaction with next group.
- No use of changing rooms
During on court sessions:
- Sanitisation/cleaning stations will be setup with hand sanitiser and disinfectant spray for cleaning down basketball.
- Attendance will be limited to 24 total people per session as per BNI return to play protocol.
- Every 20 minutes, a break must be taken to drink water and sanitise hands and basketballs.
- Each participant will play with their own ball that has already been disinfected, unless working on team drills or game situations.
- A maximum of 10-minutes of 5 vs 5 games/scrimmage is permitted per hour.
- Relaxed social distancing will apply only apply during competition elements within training environment but maintenance of 2-metre, and if necessary 1 metre plus distancing rule used during close contact drills.
- No use of bibs unless brought directly by the individual players
- No high 5’s/fist bumps.
- No ‘crates’ of water to be provided by clubs/coaches.
- No congregation of groups on the side of the court when not playing.
Players of the club have a responsibility to act in a safe and respectable manner while at the PEC. All Players are advised to:
- Read and adhere to the guidance in the BNI return to play document.
- Read the club’s procedures as detailed in {name document] and sign the BNI disclaimer form.
- Familiarise themselves with the symptoms of COVID-19 and monitor their own wellbeing.
- Practise a high level of personal hygiene by washing their hands frequently.
Complete the online COVID-19 health screening questionnaire on the Queen’s Basketball Club website within the 12 hrs of commencing activity and confirm they have no symptoms.
- Ensure their next of kin is on file.
- Inform the club if they have been in contact with a COVID-19 case or suspected case.
- Self-Isolate at home and contact their GP if they display any symptoms.
- Report to the COVID-19 CLUB Compliance Officer immediately if they develop symptoms.
Parents and Guardians are required to adhere to requirements detailed above. They are also responsible for ensuring children under their care act in accordance with these rules.
Coaches have a responsibility to ensure that training activities and club operations do not cause unnecessary risks to players and the wider community. Coaches are responsible for:
- Ensuring to the best of their ability that all people present at training sessions comply with guidelines above.
- Liaising with the nominated COVID-19 CLUB Compliance Officers, if not acting in this position
- Participating in COVID-19 training as required.
- Planning training activities to be in compliance with those permitted within BNI and HSE guidelines at any given time.
- Educating teams and reinforce good personal hygiene and etiquette, physical or social distancing and handwashing.
- Will monitor the physical and mental wellness of their players
The club COVID-19 Officer
The club COVID-19 Officer will be responsible for undertaking the following duties:
- Chairing the Safety Committee, comprised of the COVID-19 CLUB Compliance officers, Coaches, Committee Members, and any other relevant persons.
- Nominating participants to act as the COVID-19 CLUB compliance officers. NB: A COVID-19 CLUB Compliance Officer must be present at all club activities.
- Receive and collate updates from COVID-19 CLUB Compliance officers on activities.
- Putting Procedures in place for club members to return to basketball in line with forthcoming guidance from the BNI.
- Carry out Risk Assessments for new activities or modifications to existing club activities
- Ensuring that all management and club members are provided with and participate in necessary induction, training, and ad hoc
- Keeping up-to-date with ongoing Government, Health Authority and BNI advice and updating club procedures accordingly.
- Communicate with members on latest updates and changes to training and club activities.
- Co-ordinate ad hoc briefings when required to communicate messages about good hygiene, and social distancing.
- Ensuring Information relating to BNI and Club rules and requirements with respect to COVID-19 are in place on the club website.
- Address any club member concerns.
- Report to committee regularly.
Compliance Officer
Each team will have a designated COVID-19 Compliance Officer who will:
- Monitor team activities to ensure social distancing and hygiene rules are followed.
- Ensure players and club members are aware of COVID-19 and the clubs’ procedures.
- Keep updated with all new Government, HSE and BNI guidelines.
- Report to the COVID-19 CLUB Safety Officer with any updates.
- Maintain confidentiality of suspected cases.
- Follow protocols for persons showing symptoms of COVID-19.
- Keep in contact with any member with a suspected case and attain confirmation from them to allow their return to play.